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NDC ASPECTS side event at the UNFCCC intersessional meeting (13 June 2022)


NDC ASPECTS will conduct a side event called “Benchmarks and Governance for Achieving Net-Zero Globally, Sectorally and Nationally” at the oncoming UNFCCC intersessional meeting in Bonn. The event will present new research on global and sectoral mitigation benchmarks, on energy and socio-economic impacts of transforming India’s energy sector, and on the potential of global governance to promote sectoral decarbonisation.

The event is scheduled for Monday, 13 June 2022, 15:00—16:30 hrs, Bonn International Conference Centre.


  • Facilitation: Harro van Asselt - University of Eastern Finland

  • Introduction to NDC ASPECTS
    Wolfgang Obergassel - Wuppertal Institute

  • One decade of climate change mitigation scenarios: How the mitigation narrative has evolved
    Dirk-Jan van de Ven - BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change

  • Transforming India's Energy Systems
    Saritha Sudharmma Vishwanathan - Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad

  • Advancing Global Climate Governance for Sectoral Decarbonization: Clubs and More
    Sebastian Oberthür - Vrije Universiteit Brussel

  • Q&A

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