NDC ASPECTS submits its findings to the second information collection of the UNFCCC Global Stocktake process, with recommendations on including a sectoral perspective
The NDC Aspects consortium has submitted its latest research to the second information collection window of the UNFCCC Global Stocktake (GST) and provides recommendations for the ongoing GST process and its follow-up engagement, both for its content and structure.
The submission argues that a sectoral perspective can help the GST effectively achieve its objective to inform the Parties in enhancing subsequent NDCs and international cooperation. Specifically, we argue that granular and actionable sectoral lessons, grounded in country-driven assessments, should be identified and elaborated.
To be effective, conversations on sectoral transformations need to synthesise key challenges and opportunities identified in the national analyses and link them to international enablers. Additionally, sectoral conversations should focus on systemic interdependencies, involve diverse actors, and be thoroughly prepared including pre-scoping points of convergence and divergence across transformations. From that, we extract recommendations for the GST to include a sectoral perspective across its different phases and outcomes.
Moreover, the GST can further support NDC enhancement by endorsing key scientific benchmarks for achieving the 1.5°C goal of the Paris Agreement. These benchmarks can then be employed by stakeholders as an indicative yardstick to assess draft NDCs before adoption. The submission proposes key benchmarks for the Power, Transport, Industry, AFOLU, and Buildings sectors, building on our own analysis of global model results.
Likewise, a sectoral perspective included in the GST may inform enhancing international cooperation by closing important governance gaps. In the submission, we extract recommendations on reporting sectoral transformation challenges, opportunities for sectoral governance, and aligning sectoral institutions with the Paris Agreement’s goals. For more details, a direct link to the submission can be found here.
Anna Pérez Català is a Research Fellow at the IDDRI institute (profile page)